Pedigree of Kortar's Kamakura

Kortar's Kamakura
Sex: Female
DOB: 12/09/2021
Breed: Shiba Inu
Colour: Brown & White
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst



Great Grandparents



Kortar's Kurimu
DOB: 08/01/2017
Colour: Brown
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


CH Kortar's Kipper of Smilingbear
DOB: 22/11/2013
Colour: Black & Tan
Registration : AW534229
CHIC: 116460
OFA Hips: SHU-3280G33M-VPI
OFA Eyes: SHU-EYE274/16M-PI
OFA Patella: SHU-PA1767/33M/P-VPI
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


Koyotes Smilingbear's Picnic
DOB: 28/03/2012
Colour: Black & Tan
Registration : CKC ZE463338
Breeder: Laura R McKenna Lange


CH Koyotes Dai Kokoro At Satikas
DOB: 14/08/2009
Colour: Black & Tan
Breeder: Laura R McKenna Lange


CH Fallscreek Xan's Panda at Koyotes
DOB: 17/07/2005
Colour: Black & Tan
Registration : CKC 1090501
Breeder: Laura R McKenna Lange


Smilingbear Alberta Rosebud
DOB: 23/12/2010
Colour: Black & Tan
Registration : XY383161 (CKC)
OFA Eyes: CERF SHI-350604 8 Apr 2011
OFA Patella: SHU-PA1042/13F/P-VPI


Mo's Zeus At Smiling Shibata
DOB: 09/03/2010
Colour: Red
Registration : NP26023503
OFA Eyes: SHU-EYE869/110M-VPI
OFA Patella: SHU-PA956/12M/P-VPI
Breeder: Manon A Donlevy


Smilingbear Misha's Mocha
DOB: 04/09/2009
Colour: Red Sesame
Registration : WS298305
CHIC: 79033
OFA Hips: SHU-2736G27F-VPI
OFA Eyes: SHU-EYE869/110M-VPI
OFA Patella: SHU-PA956/12M/P-VPI
Breeder: Doreen M Fitchett


CH Kortar's Kouun Katsu
DOB: 03/07/2012
Colour: Brown
Registration : ZN463129
CHIC: 106433
OFA Hips: SHU-3046F24F-VPI
OFA Eyes: SHU-EYE276/33F-VPI
OFA Patella: SHU-PA1410/24F/P-VPI
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


CAN AM ICBA FCC CH Kortar's Katsuro
DOB: 16/01/2007
Colour: Brown
Registration : TA162377
OFA Eyes: CERF SHI-1414
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


BISS AM CDN CH Innisfree's Tali-mon
Registration : NM 92362501
Breeder: Kathleen Kanzler


CH Kortar's Kandy Klassik
DOB: 27/10/2001
Colour: Brown
Registration : LU769066
OFA Hips: OVC 020275
OFA Eyes: CERF SHI 965/2003-22
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


Kortar's Kandigirl
DOB: 04/04/2007
Colour: Red
Registration : TG154483/ TUF 27T LF
OFA Hips: OVC 0040567
OFA Eyes: CERF SHI 1415/2008-13
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


FCC CAN CH Kortar's Kokobean TDI CGC
"Mr. Bean"
DOB: 22/10/2000
Colour: Red
Registration : KU715674
OFA Hips: OVC 0717180
OFA Eyes: CERF SHI-888/2002--18
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst

Kortar's Kashmere of Kina
Registration : LY787815


Kortar's Kayman Kai
DOB: 10/07/2018
Colour: Brown
Registration : FS789596
OFA Eyes: SHU-EYE908/12F-PI
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


CH Wizguy's Snow Drifter
DOB: 05/02/2014
Colour: Brown
Registration : BC570891
OFA Hips: SHU-3279F-31M-VPI
OFA Eyes: SHU-EYE432/26M-PI
OFA Patella: SHU-PA1766/31M/P-VPI
Breeder: Marion & Al Weiberg

Wizguy's Macbeth's Hamlet
DOB: 28/06/2010
Registration : XL369739 (CKC)
OFA Hips: SHU-2951G38F-VPI
OFA Patella: SHU-PA1273/38F/P-VPI
Breeder: Marion & Al Weiberg

AM CH Enigma's Scottish Play
DOB: 21/11/2000
Registration : 1089377

Wyzguy's Hot N Spicy
Registration : SA088583XL
Breeder: Marion & Al Weiberg

Wizguy's Albo's Geishe Girl

AM CH Watakushi No Albo Of Tanasea

Oaktreeacres Misuzu By Wizguys


Kortar's Kiru Kinu
DOB: 29/08/2016
Colour: Brown
Registration : DQ670115
OFA Hips: SHU-3626G27F-VPI
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


CH Kortar's Kipper of Smilingbear
DOB: 22/11/2013
Colour: Black & Tan
Registration : AW534229
CHIC: 116460
OFA Hips: SHU-3280G33M-VPI
OFA Eyes: SHU-EYE274/16M-PI
OFA Patella: SHU-PA1767/33M/P-VPI
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


Koyotes Smilingbear's Picnic
DOB: 28/03/2012
Colour: Black & Tan
Registration : CKC ZE463338
Breeder: Laura R McKenna Lange


Smilingbear Alberta Rosebud
DOB: 23/12/2010
Colour: Black & Tan
Registration : XY383161 (CKC)
OFA Eyes: CERF SHI-350604 8 Apr 2011
OFA Patella: SHU-PA1042/13F/P-VPI


CH Kortar's Kolour Kalidoscope
DOB: 10/03/2013
Colour: Black & Tan
Registration : AE502580
OFA Eyes: SHU-EYE275/19F-VPI
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


CAN AM ICBA FCC CH Kortar's Katsuro
DOB: 16/01/2007
Colour: Brown
Registration : TA162377
OFA Eyes: CERF SHI-1414
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst


BPIS CH Kortar's Kintakara
DOB: 04/08/2010
Colour: Brown
Registration : XQ361095
CHIC: 84897
OFA Hips: SHU-2823G25F-VPI
OFA Eyes: CERF SHI-361776
OFA Patella: SHU-PA1133/25F/P-VPI
Breeder: Carol Broadhurst

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